Hello Brethren,
These next two months will be very busy for us, as we work to fulfill the Grand Lodge requirements. I appreciate your support, and hard work as we navigate this rebuilding process. I can assure you, I am in constant contact with the DDGM, and the Grand Lodge negotiating dates to make sure we meet the commitments we made to make Adelphoi a working, well governed Lodge again.
Our next communication on May 21, 2024, is a dispensation from our regular May communication so we can finish to confer the EA degree on our newest Brother Tibelrosa Tarpenweh.
I have been in contact with another candidate who is interested in joining Freemasonry, and our Lodge. That makes two candidates in the pipe line for degree work, plus one already in work. I look forward to working with the officers of your Lodge to conduct this important work. Please make every effort to come to your Lodge and support your officers. I look forward to seeing you at the Lodge.
Fraternally yours,
Worshipful David J. Cardullo