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Master's Message, June 2024

Hello Brethren,

The last few months have been very hectic, working with the Grand Lodge trying to get dates to complete all the work we need to do before the end of this year. I know it has been difficult to nail down specific dates, but I hope we finally have it all settled now. Please read this entire communication as the dates will be listed going forward.

I want to thank all the officers who conducted a well run and organized EA degree on our Brother Tarpenweh. The new DDGM was in attendance; he had nothing but good things to say about our degree work, and his willingness to work with us going forward. We are definitely going in the right direction; I will need your continued support to make Adelphoi a great lodge again. There is no way I can do this alone, and I am thankful for the support I have received so far. 

In this communication, there is a list of Brothers who are in the process of being dropped from our Lodge for NPD. I urge all of you, if you know any of these Brothers, please reach out to them. Encourage them to come back to the Lodge, if there is some kind of hardship, we can work with that Brother.  Let me know if you have made contact with someone, we might be able to assist. 

We have some business to attend to this month, we will be voting on candidate Pedro Adalpe for membership into our Lodge. We will be discussing the Fellowcraft degree work scheduled for Tuesday June 25th. I am looking forward to the next step in Brother Tarpenweh’s Masonic journey.

The Lodge will open at 6:30, with dinner to follow after the meeting. I hope to see you all Tuesday night.  

Fraternally yours,

Worshipful David J. Cardullo