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Master's Message, September 2024

Hello Brethren,

I hope you all have enjoyed the summer, had a chance to relax and relish the warm weather.  Our summers do fly by! September will be upon us soon, it’s time to get back in the Lodge! The officers of Adelphoi have been busy through the summer planning our course of action going forward to stay on track with the Grand Lodge requirements. We are in a good position to have Adelphoi a well run, working Lodge of Masons.

Our communication in September will be our annual communication. We need to vote, appoint, and officially install our officers. This will be another milestone in our efforts to make Adelphoi a well run Lodge again. I strongly encourage and recommend that ALL members of the Lodge attend this important communication to exercise your right to vote for the future of our Lodge!

I hope to see many Brothers who have not been in Lodge, come and join us! We have much activity planned for the rest of this year, as well as next year. We have degree work to accomplish, some interesting lectures lined up, the Grand Master's and District Deputies visitation planned. And thats just for this year!

We are definitely going in the right direction; I will need your continued support to make Adelphoi a great lodge. There is no way I can do this alone. I am especially thankful for the continued support and counsel I have received from your officers. Plan the evening to join us and support the officers of Adelphoi Lodge.

The Lodge will open at 6:30, with dinner to follow after the meeting. I hope to see you all Tuesday night September 3rd.

Fraternally yours,

Worshipful David J. Cardullo