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Master's Message, October 2024

Hello Brethren,

Congratulations are in order! For the first time in a long time we have a full line of officers sitting in their elected and appointed positions.  A huge thank you to the Past Masters & Brothers who have stepped up to fill these rolls; to serve the Lodge, and you!

By completing our annual communication in September, we have fulfilled another requirement towards operating as a well run Lodge of Masons. And the fun doesn't stop there! We have more work to do at our October communication. Beside conferring the EA degree on Mr. Peter Adalpe, we will need to discuss the dues & assessments for the upcoming year. I urge all the membership to attend this communication to let your voices be heard.

The Lodge will open at 6:00, with dinner to follow after the meeting. I hope to see you all Tuesday night.

Fraternally yours,

Worshipful David J. Cardullo