Master's Message April 2022
Thank you to all who attended the March stated meeting. Everyone present enjoyed a roast pork dinner generously donated and served by W. James McCarthy and his mother in memory of his father Jim, our tiler, who passed unexpectedly last year.
Once lodge was opened, we got down to business reading through and thoroughly discussing the proposed changes to the bylaws. It was a lively discussion at times and I'm confident that all present were able to contribute their ideas and opinions. If found to be acceptable after review, these bylaws will be sent to Grand Lodge for approval after the final vote by Adelphoi members at next Month’s meeting.
While the sidelines were still far from full, we did see the return of a few Brothers and that's a step in the right direction. We are still in need of member's assistance to help fill officer chairs and roles for degrees. If you have a masonic topic that you'd like to present at one of our stated communications please come forth and tell me all about it.
The Grand Master's official visit to the East Bay was held at Washington Lodge #3 this year and as usual many of our officers were present. A good time was had by all.
Speaking of good times, the East Bay masonic charity event will be a Robert Burns dinner held at 6:00pm on April 9 at the historic Warren Armory. There will be traditional Scottish dishes and desserts, toasts and music. Tickets include all beverages and fare. They are currently sold out, but if you contact the Secretary of Washington Lodge you may be able to get one if there are any cancelations. I've attended this in the past and it really is a fun time. This year's
event benefits local East Bay district food pantries.
Please note, there is now a used clothing drop-off shed conveniently located in the parking lot behind the temple building. Just one more reason to come back to lodge.
Back by popular demand for this month's meeting we will combine business with pleasure. Following the business meeting we will all meet at Davenports restaurant in East Providence for a good meal and great fellowship. If you haven't been to lodge in a while this would be a great opportunity to ease back in, reconnect with Brothers you've lost contact with and meet all the officers who are working so hard to keep Adelphoi #33 strong in masonry.
Next Month’s Meeting will be a concurrent meeting with St.Pauls’ Lodge in Middletown, RI, I sincerely look forward to seeing you there.
Fraternally yours,
Bill Gervais
Presiding Master